A Brief Review on Stratospheric Ozone Depletion by Chlorofluorocarbons


The organic emulsion Chlorofluorocarbon is known as CFC. This emulsion is made of chlorine fluorine and carbon
only. CFC is in the group unpredictable organic emulsion. The CFC was first constructed or made in 1928. The main
purpose of CFC was to uses as refrigerants for refrigeration. Freon is the trade name of CFC. There are some main
reasons behind the wide use of CFC. Non-toxic and flammability were the main reason. Around in 1960s the use of
CFC increases among the developing nations. As the use of CFC increases it start to destroy the ozone sub caste.
Fluorine and chlorine snippet are separated in the response they remain stratosphere for long time and lowly destroy
ozone sub caste. After that different other druthers to CFC were, those druthers weren’t dangerous to ozone sub caste
but they’ve a great influence on global warming. There are different kinds of CFC. They arranged according to number
fluorine and hydrogen. The banned CFC is CFC- 11,-12,-113,-114,-115. Because these CFC has ozone depleting
eventuality (ODP) as they aren’t answerable in water. CFC substantially emitted from aerosol sprays, artificial waste
and refrigeration. These composites break down in the stratosphere and produce chlorine tittles. These chlorine tittles
are veritably effective in destroying the ozone sub caste. Chlorofluorocarbons are actually man- made feasts. They’re
used as forces in aerosol spray barrels which regard for about 75 percent of the global emigrations of fluorocarbon
feasts (frons). These feasts are also used as refrigerants in refrigerators, air conditioners, and as solvent cleansers in
the micro-electronic assiduity. The total demand for chlorofluorocarbons in the countries of the world exceeds 1 million
metric tons. The U.S.A., Japan, and the European countries are the leading directors of CFC. CFC feasts escape
through the refrigerators, air conditioners and manufactories in the froth blowing processes.