An Unusual Case of Palatal Abscess in A Pediatric Patient: A Case Report
Diagnoses of a palatal swelling can often present a challenge to the clinician. Swellings may arise from manifold reasons including neoplasms, periapical lesions and periodontal abscesses. Diagnoses can be aided with examination of clinical presentation such as growth pattern, surface texture, base and consistency of lesion. Appropriate radiological and laboratory testing also provide support to a definitive diagnosis. In pediatric patients, dental abscesses are common, however, palatal presentations are rare. Most frequently, the etiology involves the palatal roots of the posterior teeth or occasionally the lateral incisor. Thorough knowledge of differential diagnoses and presentation of such lesions along with physiologic and anatomic factors that influence the spread and localization of dental infections is important to facilitate timely intervention for improved prognosis. The current report highlights an unusual case of a 5 year old boy presenting with a palatal abscess crossing the midline.