As Their Outcomes Change Over Time, People with Cerebral Palsy Use Motor Rehabilitation Services in Different Ways.

Coordinated and multidisciplinary rehabilitation is necessary to fully address the health issues that individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) encounter throughout their lifetime. The use of motor rehabilitation services and outcomes among people with CP vary across the lifespan. Most of the research on rehabilitation for people with CP has been done on children, even though CP is a condition that lasts a lifetime [1].All dimensions of the International Classification of Functioning deteriorate early with aging, even though the cerebral lesions that impede brain development are non-progressive. Mobility becomes more restricted, pain gets worse, and cardiovascular and cognitive disorders develop earlier than expected [2]. Adults with CP have recently become the focus of a growing interest in research due to these shifting health statuses over time, which result in varying medical and rehabilitation requirements. However, it is extremely difficult for healthcare systems to provide coordinated, multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs that are able to adapt to the changing rehabilitation requirements of each individual throughout the various stages of their lives