Baseline Survey for Identification and Documentation of Natural Resources Management Status, Challenges and Opportunities for Research Interventions, Case Study of Melokoza District, Southern Ethiopia


This baseline survey work was done mainly to identify the status of existing natural resources management, challenges and opportunities for research interventions in Melokoza district and specifically intended to identify and document existing natural resources management status of the special, the major constraints and challenges of natural resources management of Melokoza special district and finally to prioritize the researchable issues of natural resources management in the districts at different agro-ecologies. Different primary data collection techniques like: open ended interview, key informant discussion and field observation of events and secondary data collection techniques as referring different literatures, data from woreda water mines and energy office, agricultural and natural resources management office. To achieve the primary data collection clustering of the female headed and male headed households and youth group have been employed. Finally, the baseline document of challenges and opportunities was reviewed by different concerning bodies from different organizations by preparing need assessment validation work shop in Melokoza woreda. At the end of the work shop different challenges, opportunities and status of existing natural resources management have been identified, prioritized and researchable points were recommended in relation to soil fertility management, agroforestry and plantation, soil and water conservation and irrigation management by different concerning bodies of natural resources experts, researchers and other responsible bodies.