Biotechnology and original approach for cervical secretion devise to detect biophysical measurement of cervical secretion

The Biosensor consists in a non-invasive device to measure and integrate the biophysical properties of the cervical secretion, and the progress of biophysical properties, such as stretching, elasticity, fluidity, and crystallization of the cervical secretion. The present invention identifies the rheological properties and crystallization of cervical discharge. The device emits tree signals of cervical discharge on successive days. The three signs are stretching, elasticity, and fluidity. At the same time, these sample data are integrated into the record of the difference between sampling on successive days. Therefore, a measurement at a certain moment can provide measures that reflect a significant change in the biophysical characteristics of cervical secretion, under quantification and determination of its change of condition. In this way, the device verifies the state of the fertile window by a point evaluation or scaled according to the progress of the fertile state