Breast mass in a male Nigerian adult


A 57 year old car mechanic presented with a painless right breast mass which started in form of a boil and has been increasing in size. A chest x-ray, ultrasound scan and a conventional mammography done confirmed a well defined rounded mass which was not spiculated but was attached to the retromammary plate. There was no associated architectural distortion or suspicious calcification. An ACR Bi-rads 3 category lesion was diagnosed and a workup sonomammography was recommended. Ultrasound scan revealed a well defined, lobulated, heterogeneous mass with a distinct capsule suggesting a final Bi-rads 4 category lesion. A fine needle aspiration biopsy was recommended but patient opted for a mastectomy. The histology report after mastectomy however revealed an invasive lobular carcinoma with an invasive ductal component, Grade II. We present this rare disease of male breast cancer, giving a brief literature review. Also the relevance of the imaging modalities and histology in its diagnosis is highlighted.