Cancer Drug Delivery with Targeted Delivery: New Oncology Therapeutics


Increased patient adherence and pharmacological response to the therapy regimen have been observed as a result of advancements in medication formulations and novel drug delivery technologies during the past two decades. Efficiency and target-specific drug delivery or the degrees of distribution at any particular site of interest are two of the most challenging tasks. Many of the drug delivery systems that are now being developed are carefully crafted to maximise the delivery of a certain medication type while minimising drug degradation or loss. Targeted medication delivery is crucial when treating cancer because anticancer drugs cannot tell the difference between healthy and malignant cells, which can lead to side effects and/or systemic toxicity. In order to prevent side effects and promote medication accumulation at the targeted region, focused drug delivery is created; one such potential drug delivery method is magnetosome drug delivery, or drug delivery using magnetosomes (biological magnetic nanoparticles). In order to make the detection and treatment of cancer easier, we have outlined in this article the system for design, development, and mode of drug delivery using magnetosomes as well as current advancements in this area.