Cervical Discharge in the Fertile Window: A look at Biotechnology applied to NaProTechnology.


Peak day of cervical discharge “P” established as the estimated day of ovulation (EDO). The clinical window in this article was established as CFW: (mucus-mucus: CrMS/filancia) by retrospective evaluation of the aforementioned scale taking into account the previous 6 days at peak day: P (-6). The calculated fertile window was defined as SFW: (Soft-CrMS/filancia), which was obtained from an applied computer tool, SFW: (Soft-CrMS/filancia) was calculated without contributing EDO to the integration of the computer calculation. The verification and justification of the calculation of the fertile window was based on the analysis of the progression of the elasticity of the cervical secretion. The methodology used consisted of comparing the two fertile windows with EDO. To check the evolution in the characterization of the viscoelasticity parameter of cervical secretion, the last day of maximum fertility was established, with the letter “P” of peak day, according to the rules of recognition of the Peak day of CrMS