Chlorofluorocarbons and its Effect on Ozone Layer and Ultimately on Human Health


Ozone is available in stratosphere in the locale of air from 6 to 31 miles. Ozone assimilates conceivably harming bright (UV) radiations. The thickness of ozone layer changes among elevation and occasional variation. Most of the ozone is framed at equator where there is greatest daylight however with wind it moves at high height and get gathered at stratosphere. Ozone depletion is influencing the human wellbeing and condition adversely, as it enables the infiltration of UV radiations to arrive at the Earth. These radiations can cause extreme maladies in people, for example, skin disease, eye harm and hereditary transformations and so forth. Moreover, the ozone exhaustion is influencing the oceanic life, biogeochemical cycles, air quality and furthermore contributing in An Earth-wide temperature boost yet in this review paper our primary spotlight is on the impacts of ozone consumption on human wellbeing