Comparative elemental analysis of Solanummacrocarpum (L.) and soil sample from Alau, Borno State, Nigeria

The fresh fruit of Solanum macrocarpum (Solanaceae) and the soil in which the plant was grown were obtained from Alau in Konduga Local Government, Borno state. The concentration of elements which included Fe, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, As, Cr, Cd, Se and Pb were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS). Flame Emission Spectrophotometer (FS), Gallenkamp (FGA 330), was used to determine Na, K and Ca while S and P was determined using UV/V spectrophotometer. The results obtained from this analysis revealed that S, Na and K were in high concentrations; Fe, Zn, Mg, Cu and P in moderate concentrations while Pb, Cd and Se were not detected in the fruit. In the soil sample however, Fe, Na and K were in high concentrations, S, Zn, Mg, Ca and P in moderate concentrations, while Pb, Cd and Se were not detected. The fruit contained much higher elemental concentrations than the soil generally except in the soil where the concentrations of Fe, P, Cr and As were higher, but the concentration of Mn was the same in both the soil and the fruit. Generally, the concentration of trace elements, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Cr and heavy metals like in fruit are within safety limits as reported by WHO. However, the concentration of some essential elements (K, Na and S) is much higher than reported levels. Thus, the values of these elements in the fruit could probably be due to the topography, soilwater-plant exchange complex and evapo-transpiration of the environment. Also, the values of the elements show that the use of this fruit would not pose a health risk.