Demonstration and Evaluation of Small-Scale Family Poultry (Bovans Brown Layers) at Wondogenet Woreda, Sidama Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia


The study was conducted at chuko 01 and kela 01 kebele in Wondo genet woreda, Sidama zone, SNNPR. 10 Participant farmers were selected purposively from both kebeles (5 from each kebele) on the basis of willingness to construct poultry house; to cover all the associated package costs and record the required data. under each household 23 pullets or 45 day old Bovines brovine dual purpose chicken were distributed that purchased from Hawassa poultry production and multiplication farm and before the distribution of pullets training was given for those farmers about general management and introduction of breeds. The survivability of chickens under farmer’s level averagely 98.26% to the age of 22th week or on set of egg lay observed. On averagely 1.74% mortality rate was occurred at 4th and 16th weeks of age and it was the disease and predatory cause. Generally 1.74% mortality rate or 98.26% survival rate was observed in this study. The average weight gain also recorded using sensitive balance to evaluate growth performance. As a result, there was increasing trend of weight gain starting from initial to onset of egg production. So, maximum average body weight gain of Bovines brovine dual purpose chickens was 1.36 kg at 22th week. Similarly, average egg weight has been increased averagely 55.68 gm around 22nd week of age. Finally, the Bovines brovine dual purpose chickens in all aspects of production and productivity were feasible to enhance family nutrition and income generating aspects, as a result has indicated on this study at wondo genet or mid land area and the same investigation should be done in other ecologies specially high and low lands of the region.