Determining the Views of the Health Care Vocational School Students about “Palliative Care”


People sometimes encounter health problems that cannot be solved and therefore palliative care may be needed. Palliative care is a system of care aimed at improving the quality of life in patients with life-threatening and health problems. Preventing symptoms is very important in palliative care. Today, scientific and medical developments provide the opportunity to delay the death of people, on the other hand, this situation can sometimes be painful for patients. In order to overcome this difficult period with the least amount of pain, it pushed healthcare professionals to provide palliative care practices effectively in terminal patients. Palliative care has increased day by day and has taken its place as one of the health care services. The present policy is not enough because there are still problems with pain treatment. The discovery of recommendations and solutions to facilitate global access to pain treatment, It includes giving instructions to healthcare professionals about pain management and palliative care. Due to the lack of policies that prioritize palliative care and pain treatment today, it is seen that access and accessibility to pain treatment are inadequate in developing countries.