Distribution rate of wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) at North shewa, Hadiya and East shewa zone, Ethiopia

The field survey, for disease assessment was carried out during 2019 cropping season in three major wheat growing zone at North Shewa, East Shewa and Hadiya Zones which are purposely selected based on wheat production potential and highly suitable environment for the disease development. Fifty-five fields were assessed, of this stem rust was observed at 35 fields about (63.64%), but 20 fields with (36.36%) were not infected. The disease intensity ranged up to complete infection of surveyed fields depending on different agro-ecology. Among assessed fields at Hadiya; 9 were affected by 56.25%, 7 fields at East shewa by 38.89% and 19 fields at North shewa zones by 90.48% were affected by stem rust. The highest disease incidence (57.94%) was recorded in East Shewa zone but; the lowest disease incidence (30%) was recorded Hadiya zone. Similarly, the highest disease severity (26.75%) was recorded at North Shewa zone and Hadiya zone with the same value. The highest prevalence (73.33%) of stem rust was recorded at the high altitude > 2300 m.a.s.l, whereas lowest prevalence of 56% was recorded at low altitude. Kubsa variety was found at 20 fields with 36.36% severity was observed much more fields than others. During the assessment Hidase variety at Hadiya zone which is severely infected with severity level of 60S in the field. Highest disease incidence (100%) was recorded in field cultivated with Hidase and Tesfaye variety while; the lowest disease incidences (0) were recorded farms cultivated with Mangudo, land race and kubsa at different locations variety. The highest disease incidence (100%) was observed in the matured growth stage but the lowest (58.06%) was recorded dough stage. No significantly differences between dough stage and Milk stage (α: 0.05) were recorded. The highest severity was recorded on wheat at dough stage (42.78%).There was highly significant (p<0.05) among the regions, districts within the zones and kebeles within the districts.