Effect of Sole and Combined Cocoa Pod Ash, Poultry Manure and NPK 20:10:10 Fertilizer on Soil Organic Carbon, Available P and Forms of Nitrogen on Alfisols in Southwestern Nigeria


Fertile and well-managed soils form the basis for efficient crop production. The three most important elements- (anions) needed for crop production are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S). Nitrogen (N) is a vitally important plant nutrient and is the most frequently deficient of all nutrients. N is absorbed by crops as nitrate-nitrogen and ammonium – nitrogen. An adequate supply of N is associated with high photosynthetic activity and vigorous synthetic growth if N is used properly in conjunction with other needed fertility inputs. It can speed the maturity of crop such as maize and other cereals. The supply of S is related to carbohydrate utilization. When N supply is insufficient, carbohydrate will be deposited in vegetative cells causing them to thicken. Large quantities of P are found in seed and fruit, and it is considered essential for seed formation and energy transfer (Adenosine di – and triphosphate ADP and ATP).