Effectiveness of a Homeopathic Product in Recurrent Tonsillitis

Recent clinical practice guidelines recommend watchful waiting for patients moderately aوٴected by recurrent acute throat infections (ATI). Alternative therapies with a beneÙ½cLal safety proÙ½le such as homeopathic remedies may be an interesting option for patients suوٴerLnJ from a moderate recurrent tonsillitis during this waiting time. We conducted a pragmatic, randomized, controlled clinical trial in Germany, Spain and Ukraine in patients aged 6-60 years with moderate recurrent tonsillitis [1]. Ðe combined treatment of the homeopathic remedy SilAtro-5-90 (Atropinum sulfuricum D5, Hepar sulfuris D3, Kalium bichromicum D4, Silicea D2, Mercurius bijodatus D8) and symptomatic medication (test group) was compared to symptomatic medication alone (control group) over a period of 14 months. Ðereb\, SilAtro-5-90 was given during 3 treatment periods of 8 weeks each. Ðe results showed that the hazard of getting an ATI was sLJnLÙ½cantl\ lower in the test group than in the control group (hazard ratio=0.45; 95%-CI: 0.34-0.60; p<0.0001, intensity model; ITT). Furthermore, already during the Ù½rst treatment period, patients in the test group were free of recurrent tonsillitis symptoms during sLJnLÙ½cantl\ more days (MWU-test; p<0.0001; ITT) compared to those of the control group. Also the number of acute throat infections treated with antibiotics was sLJnLÙ½cantl\ lower in the test group compared to the control group (37% vs. 58.2%; 95%-CI: 9.13-33.36; p=0.0008; Chi2 test; ITT).