Effects of poultry manure from different sources on the growth and marketable yield of leaf amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus (hybridus) l) amaranthaceae


The agricultural lands in Nigeria consist of fragile soils with thin layer of coarse-textured topsoils and dominance of low activity clays as products of intensive weathering and leaching processes (Ahn, 1993 ). The low inherent fertility status limits the development of sustainable crop production systems even as nutrients are rapidly lost following the opening up of lands for cultivation. Hence, the need to maintain the fertility of upland soils for continuous crop production that emphazises the use of external inputs at economic levels (Opara – Nadi, 1993). The strategies that have been used regarding the buildup and maintenance of soil organic matter at adequate levels are central to this general improvement in soil fertility. Hence, the addition of organic materials as a routine best management practice would necessitate provision of information on the types and rates. Also, pressure from rapid population growth, urbanization and the development of socio-economic infrastructure is the cause of declining arable land.