Establishment of High Accuracy Permanent Global Positioning System (Gps) Station for Earthquake Studies at Multi-Parametric Geophysical Observatory (Mpgo), Imphal
The Earth has several major plates and dozens of minor plates. Plates are either ocean plates, composed of ocean seafloor, or lighter, thicker continental plates. Due to the spinning, rotation and lithosphere activities of the Earth, these plates are moving, which causes volcanoes, earthquakes, drift, landslides etc. The movement of the plates also affects the accuracy of maps for the region. So there are many advantages to understand movements in the plates and their consequential effects on the development in their own land. The north eastern part of India is known to be one of the most seismically active regions of the world. Thus the area is prone to natural calamities like earthquakes which lead to the crustal deformation in the region. The Global Positioning System (GPS) has been most useful to study the Earth’s crustal movement. A brief description of Permanent Global Positioning System (GPS) permanent continuously monitoring station in Multi-Parametric Geophysical Observatory (MPGO), Imphal of Manipur University, data processing and analysis and result as a case study are presented in this paper.