Evaluation of reading proficiency of learners with low vision while using low vision devices

Reading is a basic human need. Low vision training programme was initiated in Kenya in 1994. Learners with low vision were to be trained to function as literate individuals in spite of the limitations brought about by low vision. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the reading proficiency of low vision learners.The study was carried out in six schools for the visually impaired in Kenya. The respondents included seventy eight learners with low vision. Survey research design was used to collect data. Research instruments used were questionnaire, observation schedule and a reading proficiency test. Findings from the research were that learners with low vision faced monumental challenges when reading. Among the challenges they faced were following straight lines while reading with low vision devices, miscall of words and word attack skill problems. The study calls for curriculum adaptation to suit the reading needs of learners with low vision.