Factors Affecting Farmers' Adaptation to Climate Variability and Extreme Events in Arid Kitui, Kenya
Farming households in developing countries are most vulnerable to climate variability and extremes as their livelihoods are climate sensitive. There is an increasing recognition of the role of climate change adaptation among farmers who depend on rain-fed agriculture in Africa. However, due to a range of factors, many farmers particularly in the rural areas have barely adopted sufficient adaptation measures and have continued to suffer losses from the inherent effects of climate variability and extremes. A descriptive study based on farming households’ survey was conducted in selected sub-locations in Kitui County to gain insights on the adaptation strategies used by farmers against climate variability and extreme events and factors influencing their adoption. Purposive and cluster sampling methods were applied in identifying the sub-locations of study while proportionate and systematic sampling were used to select the households which formed the units of analysis. A total of 341 households from Yuku, Kaveta, Kauwi and Kasaini sub-locations constituted the study’s sample size. The results indicated that indicated that there was a statistically significant relationship between agro-ecological zones and adoption of building water-harvesting schemes, planting trees for shade, irrigation, use of chemical fertilizer, use of organic manure, improved crop variety, agro-forestry, integrated pest management, moving herd from one place to another, migration to urban areas and use of pesticides (p<0.1). Further, results showed that majority of farmers in the study area had adopted multiple adaptation measures to deal with climate variability and extremes.