Family Caregivers and Palliative Care of Patients with Disorder in Consciousness

Vegetative State (VS) and Minimally Conscious State (MCS) are chronic conditions that occur after severe brain injuries. The numbers of patients with these disorders are increasing because of progression in medical technology and cardiac pulmonary resuscitation techniques [1].
These patients discharge from hospital after having stabilized their medical condition, so after that, the palliative care responsibility is invested on family caregivers in countries such Iran
Taking care of VS and MCS patients is a long-term process and Imposes many psychological, physical, and financial problems on family caregivers [2], on the other hand social support can decrease these burdens by providing a subjective feeling of belonging, acceptance and assistance in stressful situations [3].
Family caregivers need to receive social support in caring process, which they receive it from family members, acquaintances and nurses. Family members and acquaintances are most important sources of support for family caregivers in some area of caregiving like helping them in delivering care, in psychological and also financial issues. This support is a factor in reducing care problems and helping family caregivers cope with care difficultie