Growth, Yield and Returns to Koi, Anabas testudinous (Bloch, 1792) under Semi-intensive Aquaculture System using Different Seed Types in Bangladesh.
The experiment was conducted for a rearing period of 100 days in nine earthen ponds having an area of 0.35 ha each. The fry stocked at 0.247 million.ha-1 was designated as treatment T1, T2 and T3 at different private farms of Mymensingh district, Bangladesh. The ponds were stocked having an initial length of 0.75 ± 0.0.01 cm and 0.50 ± 0.02 g in T1 (normal koi), 0.70 ± 0.01 cm and weight of 0.25 ± 0.01 g, in T2 (hormone treated koi) and T3 (Vietnam koi), respectively. Physicochemical parameters and plankton populations were at the optimum level for culture period. Maximum weight gain was observed in treatment T3 and lowest in treatment T1. Final length, final weight and survival of Anabas testudineus also followed the same trends as weight gain. Individuals in treatment T3 produced significantly higher specific growth rate than treatment T2 and T1. Feed conversion ratio was significantly higher in treatment T3 followed by treatment T2 and T1 in that order. Fish production in treatment T1, T2 and T3 were 16381.2 ± 106.12, 19851.6 ± 104.07 and 22063.0 ± 104.57 respectively. Significantly higher production was produced in treatment T3 than in treatment T2 and T1, respectively. In despite of this, consistently higher net benefit was found also from treatment T3 than from treatment T2 and T1. Significantly higher economically benefit was also recorded in treatment T3 than in treatment T2 and T1, respectively. Overall, highest growth, survival and net benefits of A. testudineus were obtained from hormone treated Vietnami koi population at a density of 0.247 million.individual.ha-1. Among three treatments, Vietnami koi population (treatment T3) appears to be most suitable for good aquaculture practice of koi, A. testudineus in 100 days rearing system. Therefore, monoculture practice of A. testudineus is an ideal method of choice for an eco-socio-economically sustainable koi culture to meet up the protein deficiency of the general people of Bangladesh.