In this pandemic circumstances drug improvement and exploration has acquired a huge significance.


In this pandemic circumstances drug improvement and exploration has acquired a huge significance. Medication advancement exclusively implies a conclusive goal of drug improvement to bring another compound with exhibited helpful effect available. This Journal named "International Journal of Drug Development and Research" has given an incredible open door for specialists and different experts to mindful about the most recent medication disclosures. International Journal of Drug Development and Research (IJDDR) distributes full length research reports, audit articles and logical critiques and correspondence on all parts of the drug sciences with solid sciences with solid accentuation on curiosity, innovation and logical quality. The Editors invite articles in this multidisciplinary field, going from Drug Development to Drug Discovery. All the more explicitly, the Journal distributes reports in therapeutic science, pharmacology, drug assimilation and digestion, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, drug and biomedical examination, drug conveyance frameworks including quality conveyance, drug focusing on, drug innovation, drug biotechnology and clinical medication assessment.