Influence of Integrated Weed Management on Growth and Yield of Garlic ( Allium sativum L.)
A trial was led during Rabi season 2018 at the department of agriculture, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India. The trial was spread out in a randomized square structure with three replications. The experiment was comprised of 9 treatments combination with mannual weeding, Mulching with paddy straw and use of three herbicides Pendimethalin, Butachlor and Oxyfluorfen. The dose of N:P:K was used as recommended by Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana. Result of growth such as maximum plant height at 45 DAP (38.20) and 90 DAP (52.67) and number of leaves per plant at 45 DAP (5.50) and 90 DAP (7.73) were maximum in treatment T1 (weed free). Yield attributes such as Diameter of bulb (4.35 cm), Number of cloves per bulb (26.37), Weight of bulb (10.43 g), Length of bulb (4.38 cm) were maximum in treatment T1 (weed free). These results show that treatment weed free got maximum growth and yield value rather than other treatment.