In-Silico search of Tailored Cox-2 Inhibitors: Screening of Quinazolinone derivatives via molecular modeling Tools


Novel Quinazoline derivatives were designed through in silico studies including Molecular properties prediction, Toxicity risk prediction and by Molecular Docking approaches. The hypothetically designed molecules were studied for Lipinski rule of 5 properties. The successful molecules were subjected to toxicity risk prediction by Osiris property calculator.The docking methodology applied in the study was first validated by redocking the celecoxib in cox-2 domain with the co-crystallized one. Cox-2 protein was explored for the residues imperative for activity by analyzing the binding pattern of celecoxib and selected compounds of quinazolinone derivatives in the active domain. All the selected molecules passed Lipinski rule of five successfully and they were safe. The docking results explored that compound IQ1, IQ2, IQ5, IQ8 and IQ12 have binding affinity -9.3, which indicated that these compounds may prove successful anti-inflammatory oral candidates.