Irrational Nutraceutical Zinc Preparations


Since 1960s, role of zinc in health is well established. Recently, more evidence based recommendations has been made to emphasise the significance iron for normal homeostasis. Zinc is one of the essential mineral required by the body; it exhibits various pleiotropic effects and pivotal for normal functioning of various physiological system and effects. Zinc is a cofactor/co-activator of many biological enzyme involved in deoxyribo nucleic acid synthesis (DNA), functioning of male reproductive system including spermatogenesis. It is also critical for embryonic development of the foetus. Biological role of zinc in pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus and chronic bronchial asthma are currently under evaluation. Zinc deficiency is usually encountered in malnutrition, among chronic alcoholics, patients with sickle cell anaemia etc. Nutritional antagonism can also be seen where staple food is cereals with high phytates content [1-3]. Therapeutic uses of zinc is well established in two conditions, Wilson disease and paediatric diarrhoeal illness. There are plenty of epidemiologic studies that shows zinc levels suboptimal in children with malnutrition, prone for recurrent diarrhoea and vice-versa. In a report of by World Health organisation in 2003, detailed description of morbidity and mortality prevention of diarrhoeal illness among children by effectiveness of zinc is provided. Role of zinc in diarrhoeal illness when used approximately is evident by other parmacoepidemiologic studies as well. However, zinc should be administered as per dosage recommendation given vide infra in discussion and should be curtailed in adding with other nutraceuticals which is neither effective nor safe as zinc has its own adverse effects [4, 5].Hence this observational study was conducted to analyze the currently available rational and essential zinc formulation in our country.