knowledge and practice of safe sex among students of College of Medical Sciences,


This cross-sectional descriptive study investigated into the knowledge and practice of safe sex among students of College of Medical Sciences, University of Maiduguri, Borno State. Two hundred and eighty students from the University’s College of Medical Sciences selected from five departments were surveyed. Data was collected through the use of self constructed questionnaire which was administered by the researchers and trained assistants. Data collected were presented in frequency and percentage. Mean scores were used to analyze the data. 2.50 were chosen as the bench mark (≥2.5 as criteria of acceptance). Inferential statistics (chi-square) [X2 ] was used to test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The finding revealed that majority of the student of college of medical sciences have knowledge on safe sex but do not always practice it and of those who practice it avoidance of STIs and pregnancy were the leading factors. The study also revealed that majority of the respondents got their information on safe sex through friends as against parents. The researchers recommend that: parents/guardian should put serious effort in adequately educating their children about the importance of safe sex practice. Government should make education on practice of safe sex a must in our primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. Health personnel should from time to time organize workshops or programmes aimed at educating the youths on the importance of safe sex practice.