Large-Scale Human Tissue Analysis Identifies in Surgical Pathology Reports with Umbilical Discharge


Surgical pathologists employ a range of expressions to convey varied levels of diagnostic certainty, however these expressions may be misunderstood [1]. This study aimed to evaluate the context, types, and frequency of use of expressions of diagnostic uncertainty in the diagnostic line of surgical pathology reports, evaluate expressions of uncertainty by experience and gender, ascertain how these expressions are interpreted by clinicians and pathologists, and evaluate potential solutions to this communication issue. We examined 1500 surgical pathology reports to count the number of times uncertainty phrases were used, to identify the most frequently used ones, and to check for differences in usage rates based on case type, experience, and gender [2]. Doctors at tumour boards were surveyed, and they were asked to rate the degree of certainty [3]. We draw the conclusion that non-standardized terminology is a substantial cause of misunderstanding among pathologists and between pathologists and doctors when expressing diagnostic uncertainty [4]. All facets of medicine require the sharing of diagnostic ambiguity. Since pathology is typically the last line of diagnosis, when the pathologist expresses doubt about their conclusion, it may result in postponing therapy, repeating a biopsy, and other interventions that raise costs for healthcare and may have a negative effect on patient care