Management of free primary education funds by head teachers in Kenya: a case study of public primary schools in Rachuonyo district


The purpose of the study was to investigate management of Free Primary Education Funds by primary school head teachers in Rachuonyo District, Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey design. The study population consisted of 325 primary school head teachers, one District Auditor and one District Quality Assurance and Standards Officer. Simple random sampling technique was used to obtain a sample of 108 public primary school head teachers and saturated sampling technique was used to sample one district auditor and one district quality assurance and standards officer. Questionnaires, in-depth interviews and document analysis, were used for data collection. Quantitative data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics in form of frequencies and percentages. Content analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The study found out; that the government entrusted large sums of money with primary school head teachers; that the head teachers faced challenges in managing free primary education funds; that the courses provided to the head teachers were not adequate for effective management of free primary education funds and that head teachers needed more training to manage the free primary education funds. The study concluded that Free Primary Eduication Funds were inadequate and not effectively managed by head teachers. The study recommended that funds allocated per child per year be increased to Kshs. 2000.00 to cater for the needs of the pupils; that head teachers should be trained on how to use financial guidelines and be provided with frequent refresher courses on how to manage the funds effectively.