Market Analysis on Euro Surgery

After the successful completion of the Surgery conference series, we are pleased to welcome you to the “15th International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia." The congressis scheduled to take place on June 15 - 16, 2021 in the beautiful city of London, UK. This 2021 Surgery Conference will give you exemplary experience and great insightsin the field of research. According to this research report,the global marke tfor Surgery is projected to showa robustgrowth of 6.5 per centin theCAGRduring 2019-2024. Immunosuppressive drugs hold Hanging patient profile dynamics during organ transplantation hasstimulated the growth of transplantation diagnostics in the market. Furthermore, the hanging dynamics of patient profiling during Surgery have stimulated the growth of transplantation diagnostics on the market.Transplant diagnostics products are expected to see significant growth on the back of an increasing number of organ donors. Organs that have been successfully transplanted include the heart, kidneys, brain, liver, lungs, pancreas, intestines, and thymus. Approximately 2,200 lung transplants have been performed worldwide every year since 2000 and beyond. Between 2000 and 2006, the median survival period for patients with lung Surgery was 5-and-a-half years, which means that half of the patients survived for a shorter period of time and half survived for a longer period of time.