Mucociliary Clearance: Measures and Therapies


Mucociliary Clearance can be measured clinically with the Saccharine Test in the sino-nasal system. When clearance is slow, treat mucus viscosity and slow ciliary beat frequency. Chronic sinusitis and bronchitis are often due to poor MCC. Therapy to upper or lower respiratory system benefits both. Therapy for Mucociliary Clearance includes proteolytic enzymes to reduce mucus viscosity, vibrations for improving ciliary beat frequency, irrigation with Locke-Ringer's solution for cilia frequency, glucosteroids and surfactants. Use of the Saccharine Test can help determine toxic effects of chromium, Sulphur Dioxide, benzines and other toxic products. In acute allergy, mucociliary clearance speeds up; but sinusitis may follow when mucociliary clearnace slows down later. In slow mucociliary clearance, bacteria remain in place and are able to multiply. This is a significant factor for recurrent sinus infections and indicates a method of treatment that includes restoring normal mucociliary clearance (MCC). Measuring MCC in the lower respiratory tract is complex and includes inhalation of radioactive particles. Clinically, the results of the Saccharine test of the nasal system may be an indicator of the MCC in the lower respiratory system.