Natural Medicine for Management of Neuroinfectious Disease: An Interesting Topic


At present, there are many neuroinfectious diseases and many disease are new emerging infection. To manage those diseases, it is usually difficult and the drug and vaccine finding are the urgent and important work to combat with those diseases [1]. For finding of new active subjects to fight the infections, seeking for the source of chemicals is the big step. As a rule, many drugs are available from nature. The famous antimalarial drug, which is still present effect toward serious cerebral falciparum malaria, is also originated from Chinese natural product . Hence, it is no doubt for the role of natural medicine or naturopathy on the new drug search against neuroinfectious diseases. The good example is the classical naturopathy management for poliomyelitis.

To find the new drug against neuroinfectious disease, critical analysis of the rooted traditional natural product can be the good starting step. The learning on the local culture can be useful to find the local wisdom on classical naturopathy. Some new candidates can be further used for drug developing. Then the standard ethnopharmacological and modern pharmacological proofs can be used to verify the pharmacological activity. As a good example, the case of searching new natural product against rabies should be mentioned . A “a description of the state of the art in the development of plant-made pharmaceuticals against rabies and identify key prospects for the field in terms of novel strategies, immunogen design, and therapeutic antibodies production” is recently clearly described by the referencing publication by Rosales-Mendoza . The use of Chinese traditional herb against Japanese encephalitis is another interesting case. The recent report on activity of Rheum palmatum against the virus can be the good lesson on how applied natural medicine can be useful in new drug search against neuroinfectious diseases.