Note on Availability of Heavy Metal in soil of Lahore City, Pakistan and Mapping by Using GIS Techniques
Considering the importance of Lahore for environmental degradation by contaminated Soils, this research was made to investigate and determine heavy metals contamination in the Soil. The main threats to human health from heavy metals are associated with exposure to lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic. These metals have been extensively studied and their effects on human health regularly reviewed by international bodies such as the WHO. Heavy metals have been used by humans for thousands of years. Although several adverse health effects of heavy metals have been known for a long time, exposure to heavy metals continues, and is even increasing in some parts of the world, in particular in less developed countries, though emissions have declined in most developed countries over the last 100 years (Mahurpawar 2015). Heavy metals are toxic to soil, plants, aquatic life and human health if their concentration is high in the compost. Heavy metals exhibit toxic effects towards soil biota by affecting key microbial processes and decrease the number and activity of soil microorganisms. Even low concentration of heavy metals may inhibit the physiological metabolism of plant. Uptake of heavy metals by plants and subsequent accumulation along the food chain is a potential threat to animal and human health. Twenty of the busiest and engaged locations in the Lahore city were scrutinized for the contamination of zinc (Zn), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn). The research highlights sampling techniques and sample digestion method employed for the determination of heavy metals in the soil of Lahore. The most widely used technique for the analytical consequent of heavy metal contents is AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometer). Multivariate Geospatial analyses were accomplished by using GIS and SPSS 20 helped in Statistical Analysis.