Pathogens Causes of Fever in Sickle Cell Children in Mali.

Fever is a common symptom in sickle cell patients, and may be a sign of a bacterial or non-bacterial infection. Is recognized as a natural defence of the human body; however, it is a symptom results in discomfort and is sometimes life-threatening for sickle cell disease children because it is the most frequent factor that can initiate and maintain haemoglobin S gelation responsible for sickle cell complications that are sometimes fatal. The extent of association of fever with bacterial infections in sickle cell children is not known in Mali where 5,000 to 6,000 sickle cell children are born each year [1]. Our study describes from April 2014 to January 2016, the bacterial aetiologies of fevers and the extent of co-infection with other pathogens among sickle cell children followed up by the “Centre de Recherché et de Lutte contre la Drépanocytose” (CRLD). In order to specify the different causes of fever in sickle cell children consulted or hospitalized, and the extent of co-infection with other pathogens in children at CRLD in Bamako. The 231 sickle cell patients with fever included in our study were 6 months to 15 years old.