Prospects and challenges in the implementation of reentry policy of girls in secondary schools in Kenya: a case study of Emuhaya District


A report by the Centre for Study of Adolescence shows that the dropout of girls due to pregnancy stands at 23% nationally and 39% for Emuhaya District. Few of these girls resume despite the re-entry policy. Majority is unable due to stigma and ridicule from teachers, peers and the communities thereby missing out on the benefits that accrue from education. The purpose of the study was to establish the challenges and prospects in the implementation of the Ministry of Education policy on the re-entry of girls. The study was guided by a conceptual framework. The research design for the study was descriptive survey. The study population consisted of 24 head teachers, 24 teachers of guidance and counseling, 24 chairpersons of parents’ teachers associations, 24 chairpersons of boards of governors, one district quality assurance and standards’ officer and 1040 girls in 24 schools. The study found out that it is parents who seek re-entry for their daughters in different schools from the ones they initially attended, despite unawareness on re-entry guidelines. Schools willingly allow re-entry despite the absence of guidelines. The study concluded that re-entry is practiced in Emuhaya District as evidenced by the cases that seek it. However, re-entry policy guidelines have not been received in most schools. As a way of strengthening this policy, the study recommended that the ministry should not only provide policy documents, but also enforce and monitor its implementation.