Reproductive Profile of Indian Major Carp, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822) with Restoration from the Ganga River, India


Information of sex ratio is considered vital in the management of the fisheries as it enables to follow the movement of the sexes in relation to the season in life cycle. Present study was undertaken between the months of March 2014 to February 2015 from the middle stretch of the Ganga river, India. 423 fish specimens were examined of Cirrhinus mrigala for determination of sex ratio and sex structure from the Ganga river, India. Male proportion was higher than female in 19.1-25.0, 25.1-31.0, 31.1-37.0, 85.1-91.0 and 91.1-97.0 cm size groups. Proportion of male and female was recorded equal in 79.1-85.0 cm size groups. In the stock, female proportion was higher than male (1:1.05). It is very close to equal proportions of male and female (1:1). It did not differ significantly. In the stock, sex structure of male and female was recorded 48.70% and 51.30, respectively.