Review on Contribution of Sulphur Dioxide Emissions (SO2) in the Climate Change: Case of the Gulf of Gabes


The last report from the International Panel on climate change highlights the mediterranean as one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to the impacts of global warming. The models issued by IPCC cast different scenarios for the Region, but all of them agreed on a clear trend in the pattern of some climatic parameters. In terms of the thermal regime, the base scenario from 1980-2000 was used to estimate an increase in average surface temperatures in the range of °2.2 C and 5.1° C for the period 2080-2100.

Increasingly, air quality and climate change are seen as two issues that are inexorably linked. Any policy actions intended to mitigate one of these two issues must necessarily take into account the feedbacks with the other, to avoid that benefits to one sector, will worsen the situation in another sulphur compounds, are among the most ubiquitous atmospheric pollutants, playing a crucial role in the chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere thus, they strongly affect the climate and weather inter alia the temperature. Sulphur dioxide is a widespread atmospheric air contaminant, emitted from a variety of sources, mainly from industrial plants, for example sulphuric production acid, some mineral ores, fossil fuels production and fossil fuel combustion. Several studies have evaluated the relation between sulphur dioxide and temperature. By using statistical analyzes, meteorological conditions associated with the top 10% of OMI-based high SO2 days are found in average to be controlled by slightly warmer, 1-2°C, temperatures. The correlation (rs) between SO2 concentration and the ambiant Temperature (T) in the vicinity of Olsztyn, only in the months of February, April and June. In his study in 2009, Ward note that temperature and anthropogenic sulphur evaluate at the same rate before and after 1950. In SO2 concentrations and temperature have moderate relation in November and December while having weaker relations during January-April.