Review on Watermelon Production and Nutritional Value in Ethiopia



There is a growing realization in Ethiopia for the need to enhance the production of xerophytic crops, including Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus L., in the face of climate change. It is adaptable to most of tropical and subtropical zone of Ethiopia, due to its low water requirement and has the potential to be a commercial crop. It is a newly introduced cash crop gaining a high level of economic importance in the generation of income and provision of nutritional value. Watermelon flesh contains high quantity of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidant compounds, which play important role in human metabolism. Antioxidant components help in preventing human disease by acting as oxygen radical scavenger. Watermelon rind and seed also have many health benefits due to the presence of important amino acids citrulline, fibers, minerals and phenolic compounds. Thus, the present review provides a comprehensive overview of the production status and challenges and nutritive values of watermelon in Ethiopia.