Routing Life Paths of Juvenile Delinquency for Entering into the Regional Juvenile Vocational Training Centre (RJVTC)
Globalization with internet, online media, drug, games, online gambling, and sex adolescent are the cases’ installation problems of juvenile offenses that effects and conditional behaviors of juvenile delinquency to their routing life paths for entering the Regional Juvenile Vocational Training Center (RJVTC) were assessed. Aim: To assess the parents’ and juveniles’ perception of their routing life paths of juvenile delinquency for entering into the Regional Juvenile Vocational Training Centre (RJVTC) in the Upper RJVTC Northeastern Region of Thailand. Methods: To adminiter with a sample of 100 juveniles; 93 males, and 7 females whose age between 15-18 years old at the Khon Kaen RJVTC Office 4 were selected. The Juvenile Delinquency Questionnaire A (IDIQ-A) and the IDIQ-B were in-depth interviewed to juveniles and their parents on 7 topics, similarly. The majority of cases offense for considering classification was educated at lower secondary education, unemployed, separated to stay from their parents (64%). Results: Males used the victims of the Amphetamine-related offense, to have recidivism offenses’ cases. Divorce and child custody are supported by the new juvenile’s family regarding minor’s protection. During the intermediate stage, juveniles learn about relevant advanced techniques and practice to improve their skills, vocational training. Conclusion: Juveniles are required to attend academic class in order to widen their academic knowledge and undergo corrective treatment and rehabilitative programs as mentioned in individual plans. Suggestions that, Thai children are intelligent and emotions to normal range up after they receive forgiveness.