Self-Care Activities among Diabetic Patients and Factors Affecting Glycaemic Control in Primary Health Care, Malaysia


Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable disease of concern around the world affecting both developed and developing countries. In 2015, 415 million people worldwide suffered from diabetes and five million people died due to diabetes. By 2040, it has been estimated that the number of people with diabetes will rise up to 642 million. In Malaysia, one in five adults aged 30 and older, or about 3.6 million Malaysians suffered from diabetes in 2014. Diabetes exerts a significant burden globally in forms of morbidity, mortality, decreased life expectancy, reduced quality of life, increased healthcare expenditure, reduced national productivity as well as loss of individual and national income. Other than that, increase blood glucose may inflict other complications in the heart, nerves, kidneys and eyes over time.