Sport trajectory Over a Lifespan Perspective. A comparative Study between Managers and General Population in Barcelona

During the last decade, a new stream of thought has emerged focusing leader development across the lifespan of an individual. As it is suggested in some studies, participation in childhood organized sport may influent the development of the leader, that is why arises the necessity to study the sport trajectory in a sample of managers compared with the general population in Barcelona (Spain), trying to identify if sport and physical activity could be an impact factor in leadership development. A quantitative retrospective cross-sectional design was carried out recruiting a total of 360 participants (150 women and 210 men) aged 18 to 65 years old from Barcelona. Data were gathered using the validated questionnaire named Sports Trajectory Questionnaire (STQ). The results showed significant differences between both samples regarding regularity of practice, kind of sport and competitiveness showing than managers present a more constant, competitive and combined practice of individual and collective sports across lifespan than general population. The approach of this research is focused on the contribution of Physical Activity (PA) and sport practice (SP) to leadership development across the lifespan from the point of view of the Lifespan developmental psychology perspective. Consequently, the aim of this research is (1) to describe the SP & PA practiced beyond a lifetime of a sample of managers and (2) to analyse the findings between this sample and the general population to investigate if sport practice could be an effective element in leader development.