Successful Management of Lumpy Skin Disease in Calf: A Case Study


This study discuss about the clinical management of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in a calf. A four months old calf having body weight of approximately 60kg was presented to Mobile Veterinary Clinics, Santipur Block (West Bengal) with a history of nodular growth on different part of the body, reduced appetite, emaciation, nasal discharge and lameness. Clinical examination revealed that there were high body temperatures (105ËšF), presence of various sizes of nodules on all over the body, particularly at neck region. Depending upon the history and clinical examination the case was diagnosed as lumpy skin disease (LSD) and accordingly therapy was given. For medical intervention Gentamicin (@5mg/kg B.Wt.) intramuscularly, Meloxicum (@0.2mg/kg B.Wt.) intramuscularly, antihistamine, multivitamins and antiseptic dressing of the lesions were given. Animal respond to the treatment and complete recovery was reported within 21 days.