The development of whole wheat dough meal enriched with soybeans.


This project was carried out to investigate how much protein source could be incorporated into whole wheat flour without drastically affecting the organoleptic acceptability of the whole wheat meal. The investigation went further to study the effect of soybean flour on the chemical and rheological properties of a whole wheat meal. This involved incorporating dehulled soybean grains milled into flour of 400�?¼m particle size into whole wheat flour of similar particle size. Dehulled soybean was incorporated into whole wheat flour at 10, 20 and 30 % substitution levels. Substitution of soybean in whole wheat dough meal resulted in increase in protein, fat, crude fiber and ash content with a decrease in carbohydrate. Soybean flour also increased the amino acid profile of the dough meal. However, the substitution of soybean flour reduced the gluten content of the dough and itâ�?�?s extensibility with increasing substitution levels of soybeans. The water absorption levels of the mixed flour reduced with increasing levels of soybeans. The substitution of soybean flour into whole wheat flour yielded a dough of higher protein content ranging from 4.53 at 10% substitution level,5.4% at 20% substitution level and 7.5 at 30% substitution level compared to whole wheat dough (control) at 3.78%. Dough meals made from this flour blends also varied in texture, aroma, taste and colour. However, the addition of soybean flour to whole wheat flour in the development of a dough meal produced lesser textural qualities and sensory analysis showed that all the dough samples were generally acceptable but lowest preferred was the dough prepared from the 30% substitution level.