To Study the Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Quality of Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.)

A field investigation on the “Study of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) Was carried out in randomized block design with seven treatments and three replications during summer 2021 at PG research block, College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad (Southern Telangana Zone). The treatments comprising of integrated nutrient management viz., T1 : RDF (200:100:100) kg/ha, T2 : 75% RDF + 25% RDN through FYM @ 5 t/ha + AMC @ 12.5 kg/ha, T3 : 75% RDF + 25% RDN through vermicompost @ 2.5 t/ha + AMC @ 12.5 kg/ha, T4 : 75% RDF + 25% RDN through neemcake @ 2.5 t/ha + AMC @ 12.5 kg/ha, T5 : 50% RDF + 50% RDN through FYM @ 10 t/ha + AMC @ 12.5 kg/ha, T6 : 50% RDF + 50% RDN through vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + AMC @ 12.5 kg/ha, T7 : 50% RDF + 50% RDN through neemcake @ 5 t/ha + AMC @ 12.5 kg/ha of treatment were evaluated in randomized block design with concept with three replications.