Toxic Effects of Pesticides

Toxicology is a branch of pharmacology concerned with the study of adverse effects of chemical, biological and physical agents on biological systems to establish the extent of damage. Determination of relationship between dose levels and its effects on the living organisms attain great significance in clinical studies. The Journal of Toxicology is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal that publishes studies including Environmental toxicology, Chemical toxicology, Industrial toxicology, Toxicogenomics, Reproductive toxicology, etc.
The current issue 1 of volume 2 discussed significant studies from well-known researchers. Jamal et al. studied the toxic effect of the pesticides on the occupational sprayers and found decreased levels of serum acetyl cholinesterase with impairment of liver and kidney functions and altered hematologic parameters. The study suggested that the restrain must be imposed on indiscriminate usage of lethal pesticides as it affects the entire ecosystem including human beings