Transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of cervical and uterine size in varying uterine versions/flexions

This study is carried out to assess transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of uterine and cervical size in varying uterine versions/flexions. We compared 28 transvaginal ultrasonographic measurements of the cervix and uterus on one patient with Allan-Master’s syndrome. Statistical analysis was performed by R (version 2.8.0), considering significant a p<0.05; Anova Oneway, Tukey test, and t-test were used to compare mean values, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to state the normality of all considered variables. Uterus was anteverted on 9 occasions, retroverted on 15 and on axis on 4. Mean cervical length and width results significantly greater by the anteverted uterus than by the retroverted one (p<0.05).There is a significant difference of cervical size based on its position and on uterus versions-flexions and we have to take in consideration a possible underestimation of cervical length with retroverted uterus.