Triphala in Eye Diseases: A Critical Review


Preventive and curative principles of ayurvedic system of medicine stands on the maintenance of Jatharagni (Internal digestive fire) and Kostha (excretory system). Jatharagni, which helps in the proper digestion and assimilation of ingested food as well as it helps in proper functioning of other types of Pitta-metabolic factors specially Alochaka pitta (rods and cones functional entity) in eyes, whereas kostha helps in the proper excretion of waste products. Proper functioning of these two systems help in maintaining the health, longevity and disease free life. Ancient Ayurvedic scholars explained lot many combination of drugs which act on both the above said system. Among them one of the most popular formulation is Triphala which contain powder of three fruits in equal proportion viz. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.), Vibhitaki (Terminalia balerica Roxb.) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) a very powerful Chakshushya rasayana (visual function enhancer/rejuvenator) [1]. A popular folk saying is “No mother? do not worry so long as one have Triphala” the reason is that Triphala is one such formula which care the body as a mother cares for her children. Upon analyzing this formula, it has control over all three body humours i.e. Haritaki- on Vata, Amalaki- on Pitta and Vibhitaki- on Kapha.
No doubt various studies show Triphala is a wonderful clinically proven drug in maintaining the health as well as treating many ailments. As need of the hour, the increased prevalence of ocular disorders posing challenges to the medical science motivated the author to highlight and critically discuss the role of Triphala in ocular health as well as treating ocular disorders