Unexplored Medicinal Plant Genomics Pathways and Drug Discovery

80% of the world's population relies on herbal medications, which are more secure than traditional medicines. Research has recently concentrated on finding new treatments from herbal remedies or botanical sources because conventional medications are expensive and have dangerous adverse effects. Alkaloids, terpenoids, and phenolic chemicals, which are secondary metabolites of plant metabolism, have been the source of the bulk of novel herbal medicines. In order to create novel medications and other goods, just a small portion of the enormous diversity of plant metabolism has been studied thus far [1-3]. The rapid identification of previously unidentified metabolic pathways and enzymes may be facilitated by the introduction of new herbal genomics research, the medicinal plant genomics consortium, and other omics information advancements. For the most part, plant-based remedies have been employed for more than 5000 years in traditional herbal therapy. When individuals first discovered that herbs had medical characteristics, they did not consider the scientific data, the philosophical and experimental underpinnings, the molecules responsible for the medicinal value, and of course the currently developing field of herbal genomics.