Zinc Accounting for Lowland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under Different Methods of Zinc Application with Green Leaf Manuring
Zinc is the common micronutrient; its availability is reduced under lowland rice cultivation. Field investigation was carried out at during winter (Rabi) season of 2016-17 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, killikulam, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. The zinc use efficiencies were positively influenced the by the application of zinc as basal and foliar spray at critical stages of rice. The higher physiological efficiency recorded by zinc applied as basal with green leaf manuring. The zinc induced nitrogen use efficiency was noted higher at zinc applied as soil plus foliar application with green leaf manuring. The agronomic efficiency, partial factor productivity and zinc recovery fraction (apparent recovery) was higher under application of zinc as foliar spray twice with green leaf manuring. Incorporation of green leaf manure of Glricidia maculate was favorable influence of increasing use efficiency of applied zinc.